Fontäne stell sich vor

Das Fontäne Kulturzentrum e.V. ist mehr als nur ein Verein – es ist ein lebendiger Ort, der seit 2010 aktiv zur Bildung, Begegnung und Integration beiträgt. Unsere Vision ist es, Menschen jeden Alters und jeder Herkunft zusammenzubringen und eine Plattform für einen offenen Dialog zu schaffen. Wir setzen uns leidenschaftlich dafür ein, Bildung für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene zugänglich zu machen.

Unsere Leistungen umfassen eine Vielzahl von Angeboten, darunter Sprachförderung, Kunst- und Kulturkurse sowie Veranstaltungen, die die Integration fördern. Wir verstehen uns als Begegnungsstätte, in der Menschen nicht nur über Alltagsdinge sprechen, sondern auch über tiefgreifendere Themen wie Weltanschauung, Religion und Glauben. Durch diese vielfältigen Aktivitäten schaffen wir einen Raum, in dem Gemeinschaft erlebt und kreative Impulse sowohl handwerklicher als auch intellektueller Art gefördert werden.

Ob Sie sich für kulturelle Veranstaltungen interessieren, Ihre sprachlichen Fähigkeiten verbessern möchten oder einfach nach einem Ort des Dialogs und der Gemeinschaft suchen – das Fontäne Kulturzentrum e.V. heißt Sie herzlich willkommen. Wir sind stolz darauf, bereits heute als Ort des Dialogs, der Inklusion und kreativer Impulse wahrgenommen zu werden. Schließen Sie sich uns an und entdecken Sie neue Wege der Gemeinschaftserfahrung – denn bei uns zählt jede Stimme, jede Geschichte und jede kreative Idee.






Eset Mavinehir


Eset Mavinehir

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Benjamin G.

2. Vorsitzender

Benjamin G.

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Bayram Değer


Bayram Değer

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Mustafa Değirmenci


Mustafa Değirmenci

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“


Christiane Ludwig

Christiane Ludwig

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Christiane Ohlinger-Kirsch

Christiane Ohlinger-Kirsch

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Mariann Mallallah

Mariann Mallallah

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Rainer Peter

Rainer Peter

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Wolfgang Wilhelm

Wolfgang Wilhelm

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Mustafa Değirmenci

Mustafa Değirmenci

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“

Fazli Değirmenci

Fazli Değirmenci

„I’ve been using the services of XYZ Company for my business, and I’m thoroughly impressed. Their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction are unmatched. Sed tempore dui ipsum. They truly understand our needs and go above and beyond to deliver exceptional results. I’m grateful to have found such a reliable partner.“